What is a Link?

A link is a connection to another page or additional information that helps expand the users understanding of the data. In DiveTab, links can be added to certain locations on tabular and free-form layout pages and lead to a variety of information types.

Links can be configured to be active only if certain conditions are met. These are called conditionalized links.

NOTE: Data pages can be linked automatically to central pages depending on which dimensions are supported by the central page.

Links can be added to:

  • Charts
  • Grids
  • Tables
  • Tabular pages

There are several types of links:

  • DivePort—Opens a DivePort portal, at a specific page, which can be determined by a column value.
  • Document—Opens a file, typically a document, which can be determined by a column value.
  • External Page—Opens a specified page contained in an outside data area, identified both by the area id and page id.
  • External Central Page—Applies a central page that is defined in an external data area to the entire data area.
  • Map—Opens a map site pointing to a specific location, which can be determined by a column value. The map location can be identified by latitude and longitude coordinates.
  • PageOpens the identified DiveTab page. Use id to link to a DiveTab within the same data area, or use area-id and id to identify an external data-area and the corresponding page.
  • Web Page—Opens the DiveTab browser to the specified website, which can be determined by a column value.

NOTE: The following examples use hard-coded values. Typically, such values are built into cBases or cPlans for flexibility.